A Wauquiez-Macron pact? Proposals, but inapplicable without the RN

A Wauquiez Macron pact Proposals but inapplicable without the RN

Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Republican Right group, proposed a “legislative pact” to avoid a deadlock situation. A list of laws would thus be voted on by his group, without it entering into a “government pact”.

The leader of the Republican Right in the National Assembly, Laurent Wauquiez, and the president of the Republican group in the Senate, Bruno Retailleau, unveiled this Monday an “emergency legislative pact” called “Revalorize work, restore authority”. This set of thirteen proposed laws focuses on work, security, agriculture and housing. “We need to find a serious net salary gap between those who work and those who do not work. Aid must really go to those who need it”, declared Laurent Wauquiez from the National Assembly.

Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau defended a “restoration of authority”, with “control of welfare and abuse” and harsher sanctions against juvenile offenders and repeat offenders. “It is necessary to set up a zero tolerance system”. Bruno Retailleau and Laurent Wauquiez also set a condition. “We will oppose any tax increase”, the MP noted.

“This is not a government coalition”

The LR parliamentarians are “ready to commit” to vote for these measures, assured Laurent Wauquiez. “This is not a government coalition: we are independent and we will remain so”, insisted the group leader, considering that a coalition “is tying your hands, it is signing a blank check”. In the event of the appointment of a Prime Minister compatible with the ideas of the Republican Right, the elected representatives of the right will contribute to “preventing the country from being blocked”. The objective for Laurent Wauquiez is to weigh in on the policy of the future government despite his reduced group in the National Assembly.

LR, Macron… and the RN to have influence in the National Assembly?

To achieve a viable “legislative pact” construction, however, it is very unclear. Neither LR nor the camp Macron (Together) neither of the two partners are in the majority in the National Assembly. A government that commits itself to the line of “this legislative pact” would therefore be doomed to disappear at the first motion of censure voted by the opposition groups, which are clearly in the majority.

Does this suggest that Laurent Wauquiez has considered the role of the RN in the equation? The Le Pen party could well be the key to this Wauquiez-Macron legislative pact, because without its support, it is therefore impossible to pass any text. This support does not need to be explicit, but it would still require a form of non-aggression agreement, such as a commitment on the part of the RN not to bring down the government by not voting for possible motions of censure.
