A wall filled with red hearts 500m along the River Thames

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Mourning began in places frequented by people. A wall filled with red hearts continued along the River Thames for about 500m. Westminster Palace, Big Ben, London Eye, etc. The footsteps of tourists gathered under the phrase, ‘It was created to commemorate fellow citizens who died from Corona 19 from March 2020’. Each heart the size of the palm of your hand is filled with someone’s handwriting.

‘My mom I miss Betty Tyler, April 13, 2020’ ‘Stephen Port, if I could see your eyes just once’ ‘David Arthur, 1954-2020, Best Husband, Dad and Grandpa’ ‘Beverly Clear , June 16, 1972 – January 26, 2021, it’s hard to believe that you left” ‘Adam Lane, November 3, 1988 – January 16, 22, Until We Meet Again, Love Is Between Us will fill the void’ and so on. It was a message left by the family and friends of those who died of COVID-19. One heart meant one person. More than 180,000 hearts have been drawn since March 29, 2021.

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