A very interesting drone that can hug trees has been developed.

A very interesting drone that can hug trees has been

unmanned aerial vehicle

An interesting drone that can wrap around trees has been developed. Researchers are working on surprising systems continues.

Developed by researchers at the Intelligent Systems Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, the unmanned aerial vehicle called “PercHug” can land by hitting objects that are upright, such as electric poles or trees, instead of vertically or horizontally. As you can see in the photo above An aircraft that virtually hugs the object it lands onso it does not require any open space or a traditional landing system that increases weight. This special landing infrastructure has foldable wings for 550 gram aircraft, It has a nose section that is inclined upwards to reduce the impact. It is reported that the vehicle cannot currently roll over in every impact and that work on it will continue actively. One day, it may undertake vital roles in search and rescue operations.


BMW had previously come to the fore regarding robots. It is one of the companies that has been working on important humanoid robots for kidnappers. Figure, In recent months, it has signed its first commercial agreement and developed its first humanoid robot (Figure 01) The US announced that it would take it to the BMW production facility in South Carolina. A video came from the tests performed at the factory last week. In the video you can watch below Figure 01 is shown as being able to bring together car body parts and correctly perform the given task with the support of artificial intelligence.

The humanoid robot, which is currently slow but can perform the given task by correcting and learning itself, will become more advanced over time and will be able to perform the given tasks much more precisely and quickly. Figure told TechCrunch in a statement on the subject: He stated that they will focus on five different tasks in the first phase. and said that the robot was not intended to replace factory workers. Figure and BMW want to see how this kind of technology performs in real productionfrom which both sides are expected to gather important information.

The giant German-based automobile manufacturer, which has been using fixed robots like its competitors in the automobile production process for many years and does not want to be left behind in the field of humanoid robots, automation process with humanoid robots “dynamic” aims to make. In other words, the company aims to have solutions that are more compatible with changing conditions. Humanoid robots can adapt to changing conditions more easily, unlike classical robots, with their special artificial intelligence systems and visual perception capabilities.
