a very discreet start to the electoral campaign in Libreville

a very discreet start to the electoral campaign in Libreville

The electoral campaign in view of the general elections of August 26 in Gabon is off to a very timid start. Apart from Ali Bongo’s opening meeting, the atmosphere and decor have not changed in Libreville, the capital where everything is still very timorous, while the country is organizing three elections on the same day: presidential, legislative and local.

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With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

At the Nzeng Ayong interchange, in the 6th arrondissement of Libreville, young people quietly sell their second-hand clothes. They say they don’t feel the effects of the election campaign. ” Nothing ! No excitement! Sorry, nothing, no enthusiasm! “, assures one of them. ” We didn’t even know we were in an election campaign. It’s not moving, we don’t really see any enthusiasm “confirms another.

No giant meeting, no posters or banners in the streets… Only Ali Bongo appears on a few billboards. These inhabitants of the residential district of Akanda in the north of Libreville regret the atmosphere of the past elections. ” Compared to previous years, 2009, 2016… Frankly, we don’t feel it. She is bad ! “, we hammer. A comrade confirms: Only the ruling party has begun to launch its campaign. I believe that the consultations continue on the side of the opposition, with the intention of finding a unique candidatebefore launching the campaign. »

Read alsoGabon: “We are going to win” the election, exclaims Ali Bongo for his first meeting

Candidate for the presidential election, Gerard Ella Nguéma raises the problem of the financing of campaigns by the State: “JI think that normally, this financing should be done. The presidential election is still the highest election in our country. »

All the main candidates are currently deployed inside the country. They hope to end their campaign in Libreville, where nearly half of Gabon’s population lives.

Read alsoElections in Gabon: the Constitutional Court ratifies the single ballot
