A useful filtering feature is coming soon for WhatsApp

Another useful security feature is being developed for WhatsApp

Maintaining the market leadership WhatsApp A nice feature is coming. This time, the company takes a filter-focused step. beating.

WhatsApp, Coming soon as it appears in beta versions “Chat” in the menu “Call” will add a filter icon next to the section. People from the menu that will open by pressing this will be able to choose to display only unread messages, In this way, message management will be done more quickly and effectively from a single point. The feature, which was previously offered to company accounts and will be available to everyone soon, creates the impression that it will be appreciated in general. WhatsApp Of course, other topics and features are also on the agenda. For example, the firm wants to improve the account login security already offered and for this asking to start double verification code period. As it turns out new iOS and Android In the new period, which is actively developing for not one but two different 6-digit codes will be sent.

In this way, one more level will be added to the account login processes of individuals. Behind this is the fact that people were deceived over the 6-digit code last year and subsequently lost / stolen their accounts. In order to prevent this, the company wants to increase the number of codes to two and prevent people from losing their accounts by making clear warnings here. It is not yet known when the feature, which looks good in general, will be available to everyone.


By the way WhatsApp in edit message feature is coming. Thanks to this feature, errors in a sent message can be corrected after sending. All of these new possibilities will be activated for everyone piece by piece in the coming period.
