Cell phones are miniature computers and as such they also pose a number of risks. If you are not careful, you can become a victim of criminal activity. The NSA offers tips to stay on the safe side.
Why does the NSA recommend that you reboot your phone every now and then? For your safety, that’s the short answer. More specifically, the NSA advises you in its Mobile Devices Best Practices guide to turn your phone off and on again once a week to make certain types of attacks on your phone and thus your personal data more difficult, including:
The former refers to malware that infiltrates the system via WLAN, Bluetooth or other access points and is activated without the user’s intervention. In spearfishing, for example, the user opens links or attachments from supposedly official emails or SMS in order to voluntarily disclose data. Viruses or Trojans are often secretly installed in this process.
How does regular rebooting prevent these attacks? The details would take too long here, but generally, when you turn off the device, all running processes are interrupted, connections are cut off and the RAM is emptied.
When you restart, you will get the cleanest possible version of your system. At the same time, Android/Apple security software will have the opportunity to examine all apps that start in the foreground and background.
More tips from the NSA for your cell phone security
What does the NSA have to do with cell phones anyway? NSA stands for National Security Agency, it is the largest foreign intelligence agency of the United States of America. However, they also regularly address the English-speaking public on security-related topics.
Speaking of security, Twitch also has a special committee for this, but something unexpected happened here. Not all members always behaved according to the social norm in such situations, but see for yourself:
This is what happened when Twitch appointed a woman to the Security Council who behaved like a deer
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What else does the NSA recommend to protect your privacy and data? Some of the tips include:
If you follow all of these rules, you will minimise the risk of strangers gaining unauthorized access to your mobile phone and thus to the cameras, microphone or your data.
If you are interested in more facts about smartphones after this excursion into the world of cell phone and data security, which can be very unpleasant if ignored, we have even more to offer you on MeinMMO. Elsewhere, for example, we have listed six myths about cell phone use that you should definitely stop believing.