a Ukrainian-Russian indicted, suspected of having wanted to plan violent action

a Ukrainian Russian indicted suspected of having wanted to plan violent

He was arrested on Monday June 3 in Roissy, north of Paris. A Ukrainian-Russian was indicted by the national anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office, which suspects him of having wanted to plan violent action.

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The man is 26 years old. Last Monday, he was injured by the explosion he himself caused in the room of the hotel where he was staying. He was treated by firefighters, transported to hospital and immediately taken into custody. In his room, the police found products and materials used to make explosive devices.

The anti-terrorism prosecution specifies that the man arrived in France a few days ago. He is from Donbass, a Ukrainian region currently occupied by the Russian army.

Ukrainian of origin, he acquired Russian nationality a few years ago. According to several newspapers, he also fought in the Russian army for two years.

The prosecution will have to determine on the one hand its project. On the other hand, if this man received help, is there an association of terrorist criminals? Arrests of this type have taken place in several European countries in recent weeks. In France, three attempts at destabilization have recently been identified. The latest is the placing of five coffins covered with a French flag at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. But there was no question of violent action until now.

Read alsoFrance: arrest of a Russian-Ukrainian suspected of having planned violent action

Read alsoRussia: Frenchman Laurent Vinatier, suspected of espionage, placed in detention
