The famous sounds of the Cancan, on which ladies throw their legs in the air in the Moulin Rouge, can also be heard these days in Kunstenhuis de Werkschuit in Zeist. The more than 30 singers of Polyhymnia are busy rehearsing for the anniversary performance. All texts are in Dutch. It was quite a job to give a modern twist to the piece: Director Machteld van Bronkhorst: “Offenbach is quite dated and it is humor from the French Society of that time. We looked at what is there in those pieces that is timeless. Like MeToo, for example. And we also added absurd things, such as a group of workers who text all day long. And the gods are members of the club of 27, pop stars who died too young too much alcohol and drugs.”
A trip to the underworld as a party for the 75-year-old opera association Poly Hymnia from Zeist