A trip to the moon in 2025 can take place without astronauts

A trip to the moon in 2025 can take place

Updated 02:18 | Published at 02:00

fullscreenNasa has completed several test launches within the framework of the Artemis program. Archive image. Photo: John Raoux/AP/TT

Nasa stated at a press conference on Tuesday that the planned moon landing in 2025 may be carried out without astronauts on board.

According to Jim Free, responsible for the development of the space program, it depends on whether important key functions will be in place – not least the landing system being developed by Elon Musk’s space company Space X.

If it would not be ready in time, it could end up with Nasa carrying out another mission, says Jim Free.

The manned expedition, called Artemis III, is scheduled to put humans on the moon for the first time since 1972, this time at the moon’s south pole.

Within the framework of the Artemis program, Nasa then plans a series of expeditions where rockets will bring material to a new base on our nearest celestial body. The lunar base is intended to eventually become a starting point for expeditions to Mars.
