a traveling exhibition of young photographers in working-class neighborhoods

a traveling exhibition of young photographers in working class neighborhoods

In Goma, two young photographers from the Goma Oeil collective exhibit their works outdoors. From the Paralympic stadium to the volcanic lava fields, “Without limit” is a traveling exhibition which takes place for two weeks in well-chosen districts of one of the main cities in eastern DRC. The objective is to question the prejudices suffered by people with disabilities.

With our special correspondent in Goma, Coralie Pierret

At the gates of the city, shovels on their shoulders and satchels on their backs, workers and schoolchildren slow down when they see photos. About fifteen photographs are exhibited at the foot of the Nyiragongo volcano.

Curious, one of the visitors stops and begins a discussion with a member of the organizing collective Goma Œil: “ I feel a little proud because these are things that I have never seen here. Really, this is good.

Two artists question disability and especially its perception in the DRC, notably through a series of portraits.

“In direct contact with the community”

This is Jonathan. Despite his legs, he works from home from home. Moses Sawasawa is one of the two photographers, along with Arlette Bashizi, authors of the exhibition. A committed traveling exhibition. They chose four locations, all in working-class neighborhoods.

When we do exhibitions in rooms, often there are social classes who do not have this possibility of accessing them. But we wanted to do this outdoor exhibition to be in direct contact with the community.

“Without limit” is to be seen in the streets of the capital of North Kivu until mid-December.

