A-tractor and car in collision on national highway 70

On national highway 70, at the height of Sparrsätra, near Enköping, a passenger car and an A-tractor have collided.

– At 06.09 the alarm comes to us. We suspect that it is the passenger car that has collided with the a-tractor from behind, says Tobias Ahlén Svalbro, press spokesperson at police region Mitt.

The drivers of the cars, a man in his 20s and a woman in his 15s, were taken by ambulance to hospital with unclear injuries.

No one has been charged with a crime at this time.

– It is serious to the extent that they had to seek medical care and went by ambulance, but then I have no further information about the state of the damage, says Tobias Ahlén Svalbro.
