a tense parliamentary return for Boris Johnson

a tense parliamentary return for Boris Johnson

In the UK it is the end of the Easter holidays. While the little ones find their way back to school, the politicians find their way back to Westminster, after two weeks of vacation. A busy holiday for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who was fined for attending a party in Downing Street.

With our correspondent in London, Emily Wine

It is therefore a tense return to school for Boris Johnson, who has already apologized, but should reiterate his contrition before the House of Commons, at the start of the afternoon on Tuesday April 19. An intervention added to the parliamentary calendar, on a normal week, when the Prime Minister only comes to Westminster on Wednesdays to answer questions from the opposition.

Boris Johnson should therefore give MPs his version of the “ party of June 2020, when his wife and several collaborators presented him with a cake to celebrate his birthday. The event for which the Prime Minister has already received a fine.

Among the elements of language which have already filtered through, and which set the tone of the intervention: it was a work context, and we do not qualify as ” party a meeting, even joyous, at two o’clock in the afternoon.

The opposition could call for a vote of condemnation

In the evening, the leader of the conservative party must also try to convince, in private, the conservative deputies. As for the opposition, it should fiercely attack the Prime Minister on his behavior during the confinements and his failure to take responsibility. In the wake of the statement, she could call for a vote of condemnation.

On several occasions, Boris Johnson assured the Commons that he had never broken the rules, the ministerial code prohibits any lie in Parliament.

To read: “Partygate” in the United Kingdom: Boris Johnson challenged within his own government
