a telephone contact between the Russian and American defense ministers – L’Express

a telephone contact between the Russian and American defense ministers

The European Union officially launched accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova on Tuesday in Luxembourg, a step described as “historic” both in kyiv and Brussels. Russia has sought by all means to obstruct this accession process, which promises to be long and difficult, leading these two former Soviet republics to anchor themselves to Europe.

Information to remember

⇒ A telephone contact between the Russian and American defense ministers

⇒ Russia and Ukraine exchange 90 prisoners each

⇒ Zelensky expected at the European summit on Thursday

Telephone contact between Russian and American defense ministers

Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov and American Defense Minister Lloyd Austin discussed the situation in Ukraine on Tuesday during a telephone conversation, the Russian ministry announced. Andrei Belousov “underlined the risk of a further escalation of the situation linked to the supply of American weapons to the Ukrainian armed forces,” the ministry said in a statement. The call was made at the initiative of the United States, he said.

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The Pentagon also reported this conversation between the two men, the first since the appointment of Andrei Belousov on May 12. Lloyd Austin “stressed the importance of maintaining lines of communication in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine,” said US ministry spokesperson General Pat Ryder.

Russia and Ukraine exchange 90 prisoners each

Russia and Ukraine announced on Tuesday that they had exchanged 90 prisoners of war from each side, following mediation by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). “At the end of the negotiation process, 90 Russian servicemen who were in danger of death in captivity were repatriated from the territory controlled by the Kiev regime,” the Russian Defense Ministry said on Telegram.

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“In return, 90 prisoners of war from the Ukrainian armed forces were handed over,” he added, specifying that the exchange was carried out under the “humanitarian mediation” of the UAE.

Zelensky expected at the European summit on Thursday

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be present on Thursday at the European summit in Brussels where an agreement on the European Union’s “security commitments” towards Ukraine is to be signed, the Elysée announced on Tuesday.

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“President Zelensky will be there at the opening of the European Council for the discussion on Ukraine and in particular on the subject of security commitments,” explained the French presidency. She recalled that the bloc of Twenty-Seven had its own “security commitments” to help kyiv against Russia, in addition to bilateral agreements from several member states, including France. According to European officials, an agreement on these EU security guarantees has been approved by member countries and is due to be signed on Thursday.

Blocking European media: Russia is “afraid of the truth”

Russia is “afraid of the truth”, the US State Department said on Tuesday, in reaction to Moscow’s announcement of its intention to block access to its territory to the broadcasting of 81 European media, including The Express.

“This is yet another sign of the Russian government’s repression of journalism, which is afraid its own people will hear the truth about Russia’s actions,” State Department spokesperson told reporters. Matthew Miller.
