a teenager stabbed to death in the middle of the street in Valenton

a teenager stabbed to death in the middle of the

A 16-year-old teenager was stabbed to death on Friday December 8 in Valenton, Val-de-Marne. He was allegedly stabbed in the thigh.

A 16-year-old boy was fatally stabbed in Valenton, in Val-de-Marne, Friday December 8 in the early evening, reports The Parisian. According to the first elements of the investigation, he had gone out to sell a pair of jogging pants after being contacted on the online sales platform Vinted. The Ile-de-France daily reports that an altercation took place around 8 p.m. between the minor and several people, perhaps five or six. One of the people present then allegedly took out a knife to stab the victim in the thigh.

“The victim was hit at the level of the femoral artery,” indicates a source close to the case at Parisian, who does not know if any arrests of suspects took place. On site, emergency services were unable to revive the teenager, while the police were deployed to “preserve the crime scene”. Asked by The Parisian, the mayor of the town, Metin Yavuz, is saddened by this tragedy. For him, the victim would not be from Valenton.

In January 2023, another teenager was stabbed to death in Val-de-Marne, in front of a high school in Thiais. He was also 16 years old and the track between rival gangs had then been favored.
