A team of scientists conducted a long study with more than 12,000 participants on the impact of zodiac signs on our lives. Its results go against preconceived ideas.

A team of scientists conducted a long study with more

A team of scientists conducted a long study with more than 12,000 participants on the impact of zodiac signs on our lives. Its results go against preconceived ideas.

In our daily lives, it is not uncommon to hear people explain their behavior by their astrological sign. Who has never heard that an Aries is impulsive or that a Virgo is picky? However, a recent scientific study carried out by Mohsen Joshanloo, professor of psychology at Keimyung University in South Korea, overturns these preconceived ideas. Joshanloo looked into the question of the influence of zodiac signs on our well-being and the results are clear: astrological signs have no significant influence on our state of mind.

To carry out this study, Joshanloo analyzed data from more than 12,000 participants from theUnited States General Social Survey, a long-standing study that collects varied information about the American population. He was interested in various aspects of subjective well-being, such as general happiness, depressive symptoms, psychological distress, job and financial satisfaction, perceived monotony of life, self-rated health and marital happiness. The results showed that there was no significant correlation between these aspects of well-being and the participants’ astrological signs.

In other words, whether you are Leo, Scorpio or Pisces, your astrological sign has no impact on your happiness or life satisfaction. Joshanloo even took the analysis further by testing whether zodiac signs could predict individuals’ future well-being. Here again, no prediction could be established, the astrological signs being no more relevant than numbers chosen at random. These conclusions shake a widely held popular belief. According to a survey, approximately 30% of Americans believe that the stars influence their lives and their personalities. However, this rigorous study based on a large sample size shows that this belief has no scientific basis.

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It is interesting to note that this discovery is not isolated. Other studies have also attempted to find a connection between astrology and various aspects of human life, without success. For example, previous research has shown that there is no correlation between astrological signs and personality traits measured by standardized psychological tests.

Despite this, astrology continues to fascinate and influence many people. This fascination can be attributed to several factors. First of all, horoscopes and descriptions of zodiac signs are often written in a vague and general manner, allowing everyone to relate to them. Additionally, astrology offers a simple and reassuring explanation to the complexity of human life and interpersonal relationships.

In fact, although astrology can be entertaining and provide some comfort, it should not be taken seriously as a tool for understanding or predicting our well-being. The results of Joshanloo’s study remind us of the importance of basing our beliefs on scientific evidence rather than preconceived notions. So, the next time you feel in a low mood, don’t blame your astrological sign, but instead look for concrete solutions to improve your well-being.
