Toxic players are a traditional problem in Call of Duty. Not every player can contain their emotions when it comes to kills. But certain tasks in Modern Warfare 2 also cause players to throw insults around.
Shooters are generally known for a rather rude tone in the game. Probably only MOBAs like League of Legends can boast with meaner players.
It’s the competitive environment, the constant competition, that some players use as an excuse to justify their bad behavior.
In Call of Duty the whole thing has reached a whole new dimension and not only with Modern Warfare 2. Nowadays you get toxic messages even if you play the game “normally”, i.e. you are not a “camper” with only a movement radius of 1 .3 meters.
This is partly due to a task in the game – the long range kills.
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Camo grind makes players freak out
Where is the problem? Frustrated players like to use CoD’s chat functions as an outlet for their feelings. This starts with voice chat, but written messages also provide the desired effect.
Such toxic news is currently a big topic again on the Reddit discussion platform. A thread titled “Sorry I’m playing the game normally I guess?” is getting a lot of attention right now:
You can see a screenshot of the in-game chat – more precisely the match chat, in which all players of the match can exchange information. It is rarely used. If a message comes in here, it is often a toxic announcement.
The message for thread creator “TheAsgardianPrince” lands well below the belt. But it’s not about 2 egos meeting here in a fair competition.
Rather, it is about the fact that the author of the message felt disturbed. He wanted to do his “long range kills”, which are needed for the skins of most weapons. If you have unlocked enough of these camo skins, you get golden weapons and other precious metal skins.
What are long range kills? These are kills with a certain minimum distance to the opponent. The distance depends on the weapon class. Submachine guns can land long-range kills from 30 meters, assault rifles from around 40 meters and snipers from 50 meters.
TheAsgardianPrince played normally, often flanking his opponents. So he’s been on the road a lot, catching his opponents while they were standing back trying to rack up long range kills.
The long-range tasks are considered annoying by many players, but they also turn some into toxic grinders.
What do other players say about this? The thread on Reddit amassed over 600 comments in just a few hours and is a little more factual than the players from TheAsgardianPrince’s chat. But hardly less toxic.
Users are also sharing what the “camo grind” means for Call of Duty and how it’s nothing more than a “time sink”. So a way to pass the time.
There is also a lengthy discussion about which ways to play are really annoying:
Which gameplay annoys you? Whether it’s against opponents or because of certain challenges? Leave a comment on the topic.
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