As you might expect, exploration will be at the heart of The Lost Wild, if only to get your hands on useful items and increase our chances of surviving. Despite all the precautions taken, if one is spotted by one of the creatures, two solutions will be available to us: flee or intimidate the predators. In the first case, we can take advantage of the environment to sow them, or even hide and let the threat go away. To frighten them, we are told that there will be a way touse fire and non-lethal weapons. “In The Lost Wilddinosaurs are curious and adaptive by nature, but they can recoil when startled or intimidatedwe are told. Take a close look at their behavior and you might find out how to defeat them.“
The Lost Wild isn’t slated for release until 2024 on PC, with no word on whether a console announcement will take place in the meantime.