a supply convoy has arrived in Djibo

a supply convoy has arrived in Djibo

In Burkina Faso, for the first time since last November, the city of Djibo, located in the north of the country, was supplied by road. A large convoy, secured by the army, arrived late Tuesday afternoon. In the midst of jihadist attacks, the city has been supplied by air in recent months.

It’s a real breath of fresh air », Says a trader from Djibo. 74 trucks, escorted by the army, entered the capital of Soum late Tuesday afternoon. Under the tarpaulins of heavy goods vehicles: rice, sorghum, pearl millet, infant flour, more than essential food “, indicates a humanitarian source on the spot who recalls that it is only via a WFP-run airlift that the town was supplied.

This Wednesday morning, traders are therefore unpacking these foodstuffs. It is ” a relief as the market has been empty lately “says a resident. Part of the food will be managed by Conasur (National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation).

Spotters intercepted

This important convoy also made it possible to supply the armed forces based in Djibo, in particular the base of the 14th combined arms regiment which is on the front line in the fight against armed groups.

sign of difficulty to supply northern Burkina, the armed forces who secured the route on the RN22 discovered a dozen mines and intercepted lookouts. The trucks therefore moved slowly, the long convoy took 17 days to cover the 95 km of the Kongoussi-Djibo section.
