a state visit with high economic stakes

a state visit with high economic stakes

Emmanuel Macron is on a state visit to Washington until Friday. Between informal dinners and negotiations, economic subjects will be discussed with Joe Biden: the consequences of the war in Ukraine and the negotiations on a law which could harm the European economy.

15:08 – Ceremonial visit for Macron to Biden

After reading the program of Emmanuel Macron’s state visit to American lands, it is clear that more time is devoted to ceremonies and festivities than to discussions and confidential exchanges between heads of state. While the Macron and Biden couples enjoyed a first dinner after the French head of state landed last night, a new meal is planned for Wednesday evening in the privacy of a restaurant in the American capital. The highlight of the show is expected on Thursday December 1 with a dance evening in the presence of jazzman Jon Baptiste, winner of the Oscar for best original music in 2020. Long dress and suit. So much honor done to the French presidency to illustrate the good understanding between the two countries.

2:40 pm – Details on the issues surrounding Emmanuel Macron’s visit to the United States

The discussions and issues related to the war in Ukraine and the Inflation Reduction Act which were central during Emmanuel Macron’s stay in the United States have already been cited and explained, but these subjects are broader and sometimes raise several questions. The Internet user takes stock in this article.

2:18 pm – Emmanuel Macron invited to the United States for the second time

Emmanuel Macron is enjoying his second state visit to Washington, the first dating back to 2018 when Donald Trump was still President of the United States. He is so far the only French political leader to have this privilege, especially since he is taking advantage of the first diplomatic event organized by Washington since Joe Biden moved to the White House. Details that flatter the ego of the tenant of the Elysée, where we do not hesitate to point out “the rare privilege” granted to Emmanuel Macron as a “mark of the excellence of Franco-American relations”. The Head of State seems to be appreciated across the Atlantic for his “longevity” and his “wisdom” note the correspondents of Le Monde. Qualities which are also worth to Emmanuel Macron to be presented as the European leaders favored to lead the negotiations.

13:50 – What will Macron ask Biden about the IRA?

Emmanuel Macron went to Washington with an idea in mind. If his speech is reserved for the American president, some clues about the requests that could be made have leaked. The Head of State, who is also for the occasion the voice of Europe, intends to negotiate “exemptions” from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for European industries. These exemptions are already applied to Canadian and Mexican companies to allow them to remain in the race, France claims the same treatment. After the negotiations scheduled for Thursday, December 1, Europe hopes to see Joe Biden accede to his demands on December 5 at the task force meeting. Emmanuel Macron and other European leaders are also planning another response to the IRA: a European equivalent, the “Buy European Act” to maintain some competitiveness on the world market.

13:15 – What is the Inflation Reduction Act?

While the subject is likely to be recurrent in the media in the coming days after the negotiations between Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden, a quick reminder of what the Inflation Reduction Act is. The law to reduce inflation in 2022 was passed by the American Congress on August 16 to allow the United States to continue production efforts by limiting the brakes caused by inflation. This is an investment plan of 370 billion dollars which must finance measures over ten years to achieve the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 to 52% compared to the 2005 benchmark. and by 2030. In effect, the IRA will be able to grant tax credits of $7,500 to American households for the purchase of a 100% American-made electric car and will help with the installation of panels solar panels or the renovation of housing. Other tax credits and subsidies will be granted to companies that source American raw materials. The IRA also provides for a social component with negotiations to make certain medical treatments more affordable, especially for seniors.

12:42 – Macron to open negotiations on the Inflation Reduction Act

The exchanges between Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden will largely revolve around the economic aspect and one point in particular: the Inflation Reduction Act. This law provides, among other things, for an aid plan of 370 billion dollars to encourage companies established on American soil to produce in growth sectors such as electric cars or renewable energies and by accelerating the energy transition. These subsidies and tax credits are likely to disadvantage European industries which will bear higher costs and will not be as competitive on the prices of their products. Consequences ? European companies risk being the losers or relocating to the United States to take advantage of the same aid as American competitors. Two scenarios that Emmanuel Macron wants to avoid by requesting exemptions for certain French industries in order to ensure “fair” competition.

12:06 – War in Ukraine and economic impacts under discussion

More than the war in Ukraine, itself also has its consequences on the two allied countries of kyiv which must be at the heart of the discussions between Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden. Europe, and therefore France, suffers much more than the United States from the sanctions taken by NATO against Russia, particularly in terms of energy and the increase in the price of the latter. Emmanuel Macron should therefore open the debate on the differences in the cost of energy between the United States and Europe and the fear that this difference will push European industries to relocate across the Atlantic.

11:50 a.m. – “Resynchronizing” Macron and Biden’s agendas on the war in Ukraine

Since February 2022, Paris and Washington have not hesitated to provide military aid to kyiv in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. This support remains a priority for both countries, but Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden are both campaigning for a rapid exit from the war situation even if the two men do not opt ​​for an identical strategy. While the French head of state makes it a point of honor to maintain dialogue with Vladimir Putin to reach negotiations between the two belligerents, his American counterpart has cut ties with Russia. Still, Joe Biden could soon align himself with Emmanuel Macron’s vision since his chief of staff spotted an opening for talks between Volodymyr Zelensky and Vladimir Putin.

11:25 – What is Emmanuel Macron’s program in Washington this Wednesday?

First busy day for Emmanuel Macron on a state visit – for the second time – to Washington. In the morning, the President of the French Republic is to meet with Vice-President Kamala Harris, in particular on space issues and questions, for the occasion American figures could be present as well as French astronauts Thomas Pesquet and Sophie Adenot , the latest recruit from the European Space Agency. The afternoon will begin with the official start of the state visit, including a ceremony at Arlington Military Cemetery where many fighters from the various American wars rest. Emmanuel Macron will then be expected at the French Embassy in the United States before ending the day at a dinner with his wife, Brigitte Macronand the presidential couple Biden.

10:58 – A stopover in New Orleans in Emmanuel Macron’s agenda

End of the trip scheduled for Friday, December 2 for the French head of state after a stopover in Louisiana. After his stay in the capital, Emmanuel Macron will go to New Orleans: in the company of director Claude Lelouch and dancer Benjamin Millepied, for a last visit dedicated to the Francophonie.

10:30 – Negotiations in the Oval Office

The big piece of Emmanuel Macron’s visit to the United States will be played on Thursday, December 1. It is there that, after a ceremony with great pomp involving the singing of hymns and the firing of twenty-one cannon shots, the two heads of state will retire between the walls of the Oval Office to discuss serious matters. and which annoys some people. Among the hot topics that need to be addressed are the management of the war in Ukraine, while Washington and Paris have placed themselves as great allies of kyiv, and especially the negotiations on the subject of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), this law which must put in place a massive and protectionist trade aid plan for American consumers and businesses and which raises fears of discrimination and difficulties for European industries.

10:10 – Macron and Biden throw the submarine diplomatic crisis into oblivion

The friendship displayed between Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden should also make us forget the political crisis that angered Paris in September 2021. The United States, then strong in a tripartite alliance with the United Kingdom and Australia, had delighted with the lucrative contract for the manufacture and delivery of submarines to Australia, taking the place from France, which had positioned itself. More than a year after the geopolitical incident, the two presidents have more interest in presenting themselves as allies, while taking advantage of their cooperation.

09:57 – A visit to renew and strengthen Franco-American ties

The state visit began on a light tone with a meal between presidential couples, one of the goals of which was undoubtedly to show the good understanding of the two heads of state. Cooperation between Paris and Washington is at the heart of Emmanuel Macron’s trip across the Atlantic and this Wednesday it must be organized in several areas: nuclear, space and biodiversity. These are all topics that are in the economic news and on which the two States wish to hold a place of choice, a project which will be facilitated by teamwork, the conditions and certainly the mutual investments of which must be specified.

09:49 – Who accompanies Emmanuel Macron to the United States?

The French president is in the United States with a large delegation, to advance many strategic files. Several ministers are there: Bruno Le Maire (Ministers for the Economy), Sébastien Lecornu (Minister for the Armed Forces), Catherine Colonna (Minister for Foreign Affairs), Sylvie Retailleau (Minister for Higher Education); leading economic players were also invited, in particular Xavier Niel, boss of Illiad, Bernard Arnault, boss of LVMH, Patrick Pouyanné, manager of TotalEnergies.

09:41 – A dinner between presidential couples last night

The first evening of Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte was quite relaxed: Joe and Jill Biden welcomed them at Washington airport. They dined in an Italian restaurant in the federal capital. The Elysee Palace described this first head to head meeting as a “presidential moment of intimacy”, organized “in the very informal, very frank and very friendly framework of the relationship they have”.

