a State of Play dedicated to the Harry Potter spin-off

a State of Play dedicated to the Harry Potter spin off

The latest State of Play on March 9, 2022 disappointed a lot of people. Not only because the games were frankly not folichons, but also because some were sorely missing, despite the fact that Sony Interactive Entertainment had warned that it was an event dedicated to Japanese publishers . Among the titles people wanted to see were Hogwarts Legacy: The Legacy of Hogwarts which will finally benefit from an event which will be totally dedicated to it. Indeed, we learn that Avalanche Software and Warner Bros. Games have teamed up with PlayStation to give game news, and finally see real gameplay footage. The broadcast will take place this Thursday, March 17 from 10 p.m. French time and should attract a lot of people. It is enough to see the number of views on the YouTube trailer (28 million in total) to realize how much this spin-off is eagerly awaited.

Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy

Sony Interactive Entertainment warns that the presentation will last about 20 minutes, including 14 minutes entirely devoted to gameplay, from the PS5 version. We will also be able to see developers from Avalanche Software take the floor to give more details on what awaits us when the game is released. And maybe we will also have the release date during this State of Play? Who knows ? Reminder, Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy is planned for PS5, PS4, but also PC, Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One.
