This Really Easy Grandma’s Trick Helps Gardeners Get a Bountiful Harvest of Strawberries
When you have a vegetable garden, it can sometimes be frustrating to obtain low harvests of fruits and vegetables. Many gardeners complain in particular of insufficient yields of strawberries, despite abundant flowering of the plants. Good news, there are gardening tips and secrets to obtain great harvests of fruits and vegetables that are passed down from generation to generation.
One of the reasons for low strawberry production may be insufficient fertilization. Strawberries need rich nutrients for their growth, which they may lack after a while in the same soil. Among grandmother’s tips and good advice from gardeners, there is the technique of using yeast under strawberries.
According to some experienced gardeners, pouring a tablespoon of yeast under each strawberry plant could significantly increase the strawberry harvest. This technique, although surprising, really works. Yeast is commonly used in baking to make dough rise. Its role in gardening is much less known. When applied to soil, yeast also acts as a growth stimulator. It enriches the soil with essential nutrients and improves soil structure, making it easier for plants to absorb nutrients.

Additionally, yeast promotes the multiplication of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, creating an environment conducive to root growth. Stronger, healthier roots allow strawberry plants to better absorb water and nutrients, resulting in faster growth and increased fruit production.
Another reason yeast may be beneficial is its contribution to the microbiological balance of the soil. By encouraging the presence of beneficial bacteria and fungi, yeast helps fight soil-borne pathogens that can harm strawberry plants. Healthy, balanced soil is crucial for healthy, productive plants.
To apply this method, mix 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, 1 liter of lukewarm water and 1 spoon of sugar. Let the mixture sit at room temperature for 1 day. After installation, dilute the mixture with water (1 part preparation to 5 parts water) and water each surface with half a liter of this mixture.