A solid-state battery cell has been developed in China that will offer a range of 2,000 km

A solid state battery cell has been developed in China that

In China, there is a vehicle that can offer a range of 2,000 km for cars. solid state battery cell was developed. Electric vehicle charging in the future will make you forget.

Nowadays many electric car The model offers very good range values. But this is a start and solid state batteries with many more on the way. In the future lithium-ion These batteries that will replace the batteries have been on for a very long time. BMW, Ford, QuantumScape, Solid Power, Toyota And Samsung Names such as are actively working. This new generation battery technology, which is safer than lithium-ion batteries and can store more energy than existing solutions, provides longer usage time and is much more resistant to harsh conditions. Expected to revolutionize the field solid state batteriesIt can store more energy per unit area than lithium-ion batteries. 1,000 km It standardizes ranges such as. In fact, as far as it is on the agenda today, much higher ranges can be achieved with the new generation solid state batteries. based in china Tailan New Energy The company has developed a cell that offers twice the energy density of its counterparts. This is specifically 120 Ah solid-state lithium metal cell declared to have an energy density of 720 Wh/kgas far as reported 2,000 km It will make ranges at this level a reality.


This looks truly incredible and, as we said above, it shows that the charging process of electric vehicles will be almost forgotten in the future. It should be noted here that solid-structure batteries are still far from use, but the first serious solutions seem to be on their way by the end of the year. For example, it is said that NIO will launch a WeLion battery-powered vehicle with an energy density of 360 Wh/kg and that it will test a range of over 1,000 km.
