A small tendon tear takes Wilma Murro to a competitive break – “This is a hard setback” | Sports in a nutshell

A small tendon tear takes Wilma Murro to a competitive

Wilma Murro has been diagnosed with a small tendon tear in her right leg, which will take the pole vaulter to a competition break and rehabilitation.

In studies Wilma Murron a small tendon tear was found in the leg, which is close to the attachment point of the right hamstring to the buttock. The tear was confirmed by MRI.

– There were already feelings at the European Championships in Rome, but the discovery was a surprise, says Murto in SUL’s press release.

Murro’s goal is still to compete in the Olympics in Paris at the beginning of August, although the rehabilitation of the injury brings its own challenges.

– This is a hard setback. The situation is far from desirable. However, the mind is hopeful and under the guidance of professionals, the end result will be the best possible, Murto states.

The pole vaulting star carries out the rehabilitation by Orthopedists who have examined the foot Ilkka Räsänen and sports medicine specialist Petri Helenius with instructions given in collaboration.

– All the competitions planned for June have been cancelled, says Murro’s manager Tero Heiska.

Murto rehabilitated an Achilles tendon injury earlier this year, after which he had time to compete in Lahti and the European Championships in Rome.
