a sign of de-escalation during the Paris talks

a sign of de escalation during the Paris talks

This Wednesday at the Élysée, the Russian and Ukrainian diplomatic advisers tried to iron out their differences on the question of the settlement of the conflict in the Donbass, under Franco-German mediation.

8h30 of discussions, “ not simple “, with tensions, ups and downs, according to participants, but in the end a joint communiqué, which after more than two years of deadlock in the negotiations, is seen as a step forward. ” This is the first meaningful document we have managed to agree on since December 2019. underlined the Ukrainian negotiator Andriï Iermak.

The document mentions “ unconditional respect for the ceasefire », a crucial point in the current context of tension on the Ukrainian borders.

Despite the differing interpretations of minsk agreements,the truce must endure “, explained the Russian special envoy, Dmitry Kozak.

For the France, this meeting, considered as a test, showed that the Russians were “ willing to de-escalate on this subject “.

See you in two weeks in Berlin

However, there remain major differences in the interpretation of the Minsk agreements. Moscow also wants the Ukrainians to discuss directly with the authorities of the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. However, for Kiev, it is a red line. In their statement, the councilors say they are committed to smoothing over disagreements in future work. They agreed to meet in Berlin in two weeks.

Read also: Ukraine: “It is time for Europeans to be actors in this crisis”

At the same time, the United States has rejected one of Moscow’s main demands, refusing to close NATO’s door to Ukraine, but it claims to have offered a “diplomatic way” to avoid a new war. . The United States Ambassador to Moscow wore the written response of the Americans and NATO at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

► To read also: Ukraine: Washington maintains its position in a letter to Moscow
