A shark in the Seine? This new Netflix film will terrify subscribers before the Olympics

A shark in the Seine This new Netflix film will

The new Netflix film reveals a disaster scenario a few weeks before the Paris Olympic Games. This could become subscribers’ next obsession.

While the question of whether or not Olympic events will take place in the Seine continues to arise, a few weeks before the launch of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, the new Netflix film will not reassure minds, on the contrary. This action thriller is however one of the event films of this summer on the streaming platform.

The plot of Under the Seine takes place during the summer of 2024, when Paris hosts the triathlon world championships for the first time. But the event with international repercussions will take a bloody turn when an environmental activist alerts a brilliant scientist to the presence of a large shark in the capital’s river… With the commander of the river police, they will do everything to avoid carnage.


Those phobic of horror films on the high seas and sharks will therefore have to refrain from watching this new Netflix film directed by Xavier Gens, when everyone else will be able to enjoy this newcomer to a very popular cinema genre since Jaws. In the casting, Netflix subscribers who embark on the adventure will discover Bérénice Bejo (OSS 117: Cairo Spy’s Nest) in the leading role, opposite Nassim Lyes (New rich) and Léa Léviant (Mortal, In the heart).

It should be noted, however, that even before its release on Netflix, Under the Seine sparked controversy. And the shark that terrorizes Paris has nothing to do with this controversy: French director Vincent Dietschy has assured for several months that the plot of this horrific thriller is greatly inspired by his screenplay, Catfishwhich he has had in mind since 2011. Le Monde also revealed last April the synopsis of the film submitted in the application for writing assistance to the CNC, on February 3, 2014, there is more ten years then.

Director Vincent Dietschy denounces “acts of parasitism” and has launched summary proceedings against the production. While he hoped to prevent the release of the film, the judgment will not be rendered before June 21, several days after the release of Under the Seine on Netflix. Subscribers to the streaming platform can indeed discover the feature film on June 5, 2024.
