A serious security flaw in the Phone app affects most Samsung Galaxy smartphones. If you have one of these models, install the latest version of the system without delay to avoid being hacked!

A serious security flaw in the Phone app affects most

A serious security flaw in the Phone app affects most Samsung Galaxy smartphones. If you have one of these models, install the latest version of the system without delay to avoid being hacked!

Do you not regularly monitor the system updates offered on your smartphone? We strongly advise you to change your habits. A security flaw discovered by IT security experts from Kryptowire reveals that many Samsung Galaxy smartphones could be victims of quite sneaky attacks. They thus indicate in their alert bulletin that a flaw in the Phone application would allow any other application to access privileges through it that would normally be denied to it. The key is the ability to reset the mobile, uninstall apps, install new ones and, of course, make calls. This flaw would not only affect the most recent Samsung Galaxy smartphones but also models released several years ago and running Android 9, 10, 11 and 12. Informed of the problem, Samsung fixed the flaw in the update of security delivered in February 2022. It is therefore advisable to quickly check whether your Samsung smartphone has the latest system versions and security updates.

How to check for updates on Samsung smartphones?

Not sure if your mobile has the latest security patches offered by Samsung or Google? A little verification is necessary, whatever your smartphone model.

► Go to system settings. Scroll down the menus and press Software update.

► In the window that is displayed, observe the third menu called Last update. If the date seems old to you, press the first menu Download and install.


► If an update is available, it will be offered to you automatically (provided you have an Internet connection). If so, update. It only requires a few minutes of installation and a restart of the device.

