A search for a lost stuffed animal has gone viral

Having just returned home from a holiday in Tenerife, Monica Björs made an unexpected discovery in the car park outside Arlanda airport. At first glance it looked like a lonely puppy, but upon closer inspection she discovered it was a lost stuffed animal.

– It hurt my heart a little and I thought it must be missed by someone, says Monica Björs in Efter fem.

Monica took the stuffed animal with her, which she calls “Joppe” for the time being, and posted a want on Facebook. In less than four days, the post has received hundreds of shares.

– There are many people who know little Joppe now, and who think he should be allowed to find a home, says Monica Bjärs.

“Hope the owner gets his cutie back”

For many, stuffed animals are more than just a toy. In the comment field, there are many well wishes for Joppe and the owner to be reunited:

“Well done to take care of it and call for the owner. Hope it finds a home”.

Another comment reads:

“Hope the owner gets his little cutie back”.

So far, Monica Björs has not been able to track down the owner. But hope remains.

– There are many who have lost their teddies and are still suffering. We hope we find the owner, she says.

The stuffed animal has neither name nor address written on the note, so any tips are appreciated. If you think you know who the owner is, email efterfem@Sweden news.

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