A score to settle, a reproach to make? Say it with flowers! Certain varieties can in fact transmit messages in a subtle or even ironic way, without having to say a single word.

A score to settle a reproach to make Say it

A score to settle, a reproach to make? Say it with flowers! Certain varieties can in fact transmit messages in a subtle or even ironic way, without having to say a single word.

Weddings, birthdays, births, parties, meals, thanks, not to mention of course romantic dates, all occasions are good for offering flowers. It is the universal gift, which lends itself to almost all circumstances. Especially since it always conveys a message, whether it is love, affection, admiration, recognition, compassion… or something else. Because there is a real language of flowers, each species reflecting a very particular intention. A language that you have to know how to use to avoid making a mistake. Or, on the contrary, to make a more cynical use of it.

So, as everyone knows, the rose represents love, with various nuances: filial love for the pink rose, shy love for the white rose and passionate love for the red rose. The red anthurium translates a fiery love, with a strong sensual connotation, the yellow daylily serves as an invitation to adultery while the azalea more simply expresses the joy of loving and the camellia an eternal love.

Other varieties symbolize very different feelings; for example, lily of the valley symbolizes reconciliation, white pansy respect, yew sadness and marjoram consolation. But certain species reflect significantly more negative intentions. And these are the ones you can offer to convey a subtle message without saying a single word, whether it’s reproaching a loved one or making fun of someone you don’t like.

© Veronika Klimchuk – Unsplash

This is the case of the lily, this flower with majestic beauty often associated with purity and innocence, but which can also symbolize vanity and arrogance. Or the sunflower, which, with its solar side, translates pride. Two flowers to offer to mischievously underline the pretension of the person who receives them, if they hold themselves in very high esteem…

Very cute with its pretty colors, Impatiens balsamina, also called garden balsam, shows an offense, a bit like the water lily, synonymous with coldness. Use to mark a distance. As for the burdock, it clearly indicates that the person receiving it is bothering you – to put it politely! And with its superb purple-blue color, the anchusa or bugloss quite simply translates lies or falsity: typically the kind of message that one might want to send to a hypocritical colleague who smiles in front only to slander from behind!

To take it to the next level, dare to use petunia, synonymous with anger. Or, even stronger, the nettle, symbol of cruelty, or the aristolochia which represents tyranny. To be reserved for managers and other managers to demonstrate vision. And in a gentler and more diplomatic way, you can simply offer a bouquet of buttercups, which reflects ingratitude. A way to make fun of you more gently.

Finally, reserve chrysanthemums for extreme cases: associated with funerals in the West, they can mean that you would be happy to see a person pass into another world. A bit extreme as a message, even for an unpleasant mother-in-law…

So, the next time you want to take gentle revenge, don’t hesitate to turn to the language of flowers. It is a formidable weapon for settling scores discreetly. But be careful, use it in moderation, because some people may not appreciate your subtlety and dark humor. And keep in mind that flowers are above all a symbol of beauty and peace.
