A schoolboy suspected of harassment arrested in the middle of class and placed in police custody

A schoolboy suspected of harassment arrested in the middle of

The 14-year-old teenager is suspected of having made homophobic remarks against another 15-year-old student currently in the midst of a gender transition.

Fifteen days after the suicide of a young high school student in Poissy, and even though the Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal, brought together all the academy rectors on Monday evening promising them “an electric shock at all levels” in the fight against school bullying, 20 minutes revealed, this Tuesday, September 19 afternoon, that a 14-year-old teenager had been arrested in the middle of class in Alfortville, in Val-de-Marne.

The schoolboy is suspected of having made homophobic remarks, reports the general information daily. Incentives to suicide are even mentioned. The victim is believed to be a 15-year-old friend currently in the middle of a gender transition. The 14-year-old schoolboy arrested is now in police custody. The Créteil public prosecutor’s office indicates for its part that “the investigations are continuing”. 20 minutes claims that the alert would have been given the same morning. The father of the harassed teenager went to file a complaint at the Alfortville police station.

Comments under an Instagram post

The alleged facts date back to September 15. That day, the teenager received numerous homophobic comments under an Instagram post. All were from the same author, namely the schoolboy arrested this Tuesday. In view of the comments made, the prosecution was quickly notified and immediately issued an order for the young man to appear. With the principal’s agreement, the student was arrested around 4 p.m. while he was in class. A member of the college team states to 20 minutes that the schoolboy would even have been handcuffed in front of his classmates.

The rectorate, however, confided to the newspaper that it was discussing “with the authorities concerned to understand under what conditions police officers may have been required to intervene in a school establishment to arrest a student in class”. Furthermore, it seems that this harassment by a student would be an isolated case. The young girl’s transition would, it seems, be well accepted by the other students as well as the teaching team.
