A whole new scam is currently targeting users of an online payment application. Well established, it is difficult to identify, unless you follow these good practices.
Scams are to be avoided at all costs, especially when they concern payment applications. And yet they are legion and news arrives each year. Paypal, famous software for sending or receiving sums online, is the source of a whole new scam. All its users are concerned.
With nearly 429 million active accounts, Paypal stands out as one of the main online payments applications. The new scam that rages on the software therefore endangers many users, who rightly fear to see their money disappear between their fingers. A fear that is all the more legitimate since this entouroupe uses a very effective and difficult to identify strategy.

Paypal users, beware! Drums can be addressed to you and make you bite the hook. The scam is you to make you believe that a new address has been added to your Paypal account and that an Apple MacBook M4 has been shipped to it. In order to end this order, users are asked to contact a phone number.
But this call is actually a dangerous bait. Cybercriminals at the other end of the wire you will persuade you to download software to block this second email address, associated with your account and block the transaction of the MacBook M4. Naturally, this unknown and malicious application aims to access your device to steal all your data.
The scam is particularly disturbing, since it is difficult to identify by consumers. In fact, this email you receive comes from the address “[email protected]”, the official address of Paypal. The scam therefore appears in your main box and is not confined to the “spam” tab.
Even if the email seems reliable to you, we advise you to delete it and especially not click on it. Make sure no suspicious transfer was made on your PayPal account and check if your address or phone number has not been changed. Prudence is the key word.