A Russian plane crashed in Latvia – the Russian ambassador was invited for an interview | News in brief

A Russian plane crashed in Latvia the Russian ambassador

A Russian airplane has crashed in Latvia. The plane entered the country’s airspace from Belarus.

16:55•Updated 17:18

According to the Ministry of Defense of Latvia, a Russian military aircraft has crashed near the city of Rezekne in the eastern part of the country. Based on preliminary information, the plane ending up in Latvia was an accident.

The Defense Forces will not comment further on what led to the crash of the plane.

The Latvian Defense Forces says that the plane entered the country’s airspace from Belarus, Latvian public radio reports. The Latvians followed the flight of the plane and have determined where it fell.

According to the Latvian Defense Forces, the aircraft did not have “hostile goals” and that it does not seem to have had “a special reason to fly to Latvia”.

Latvia has informed NATO allies about the incident.

The shortest distance from the town of Rezekne is about 60 kilometers to the Belarusian border and about 45 kilometers to the Russian border.

Foreign Minister of Latvia Baiba Braže says the message service X, who has invited the Russian ambassador to the Foreign Ministry for an interview.

Braže reminds in X that a Russian plane also violated the airspace of NATO ally Romania last night.

– A similar incident happened today in Romania. We are alert, decisive and consider the next steps with a cool head together with our allies, Braže writes.
