A risk analysis of Laholm’s switched off street lighting is carried out – after the decision has been made

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The chairman of the Community Planning Board, Knut Slettengren (M), who made the decision to turn off the street lighting, says that it was the officials at the municipality who were responsible for producing a risk and impact analysis. According to Anders Einarsson, the preparation committee for the community planning committee discussed possible consequences before the decision was made, but nothing of this was written down.

– Maybe you should have done that.

The risk and impact analysis that is now being carried out is internal and looks at how the switching off of the street lighting can affect municipal employees in, for example, domestic services and street and park maintenance.

– It is trade unions that think we need to do a risk and impact analysis and then we thought we absolutely had to do it, says Anders Einarsson.

Anders Einarsson believes the analysis can lead to having more headlamps and reflective vests available for the staff concerned. There will be no further safety analysis regarding children’s safety or traffic safety as requested by many Laholmers. But according to municipal manager Anders Einarsson, there will perhaps be clearer information on the municipality’s website and the possibility to pick up reflective vests at the municipal hall.

– No, I don’t think it will lead to changing the decision itself. We still have to take responsibility for our energy use as a municipality.

This is what Knut Slettengren (M) says about the decision to turn off the street lights without an impact analysis.
