a resurgence of serious streptococcal A infections which raises questions

a resurgence of serious streptococcal A infections which raises questions

Like the United Kingdom, France is observing an unusual increase in the number of serious streptococcal A infections. Over the past fortnight, at least eight children have been hospitalized in intensive care, two of whom have died. Three adult cases have been reported, and there is one death among them. Health authorities have warned caregivers and are calling on them to be vigilant.

Streptococcus A is a bacterium, most often responsible for mild infections (angina, scarlet fever in particular). Fever, sore throat, rashes are the most common symptoms, but you can be a carrier of the germ without having any signs.

Located in the throat, the bacteria can penetrate certain organs, and can then cause serious infections. These severe forms are rare; when spotted late, they can be deadly.

In France, there has been an upsurge in serious forms and deaths in recent weeks. The health authorities therefore ask caregivers to be vigilant about the diagnosis; detected early, this type of infection is easily treated with a common antibiotic, amoxicillin. The authorities also ask to monitor the family circle of patients, because streptococcus can be transmitted.

Another reason for concern: the supply tensions on amoxicillin, in particular the pediatric forms.

This unusual increase in the number of serious cases is not due to the emergence of a more virulent strain, according to the first investigations reported by the health authorities. The severe cases studied have no connection between them “, specifies the General Directorate of Health in a message to health professionals. However, the analyzes will continue. Caregivers are asked to forward positive samples.

This situation occurs while France is going through an unprecedented autumn from a health point of view: respiratory viruses, in addition to SARS-CoV2, seem to coexist rather than follow one another; the country is facing an early and very intense epidemic of bronchiolitis, not seen for more than ten years, and which has been saturating the pediatric departments at the hospital for several weeks.

Is this linked to the fact that the barrier measures taken in recent years to fight against Covid have reduced the number of people affected and therefore immunized by these viruses, and that they now spread more easily in the almost total absence of preventative measures ? It is a hypothesis, but not unanimous. Another unusual aspect: the flu makes an early appearance.

►Read again: United Kingdom: the government is trying to stop the spread of streptococcus A
