a Republican Dialogue, what for?

a Republican Dialogue what for

In the Central African Republic, the republican dialogue promised for more than a year by President Touadéra should begin this Monday, March 21 in Bangui. For a week, 450 participants who are supposed to represent the “living forces of the nation” will have to debate around major themes such as security, justice, good governance or development. Armed groups are excluded from this consultation, which therefore brings together power, the opposition and civil society. On the form, the organization of the dialogue seems well advanced but on the substance, the objectives and the concrete results expected are still a little vague.

with our correspondent in Bangui, Carol Valade

Objective of this dialogue: “to reflect together on the evils that plague our society”, summarizes the president of the preparatory committee, Obed Namsion, with a priority for the Minister of State, “to put an end to the insecurity which has reigned for years in the country “.

“But concretely how to achieve this without dialogue with the rebels as the Chadians do? “Asks the opponent Joseph Bendouga, who refuses him to participate in a consultation” in the form of a plebiscite by the Head of State to modify the Constitution “.

“This issue is not on the agenda,” retorted Minister of State Obed Namsio.

In the chancelleries, there are few illusions as to the results of the dialogue led by a power “in a position of strength and Mainly intended to satisfy the donors”, summarizes a diplomat.

The holding of the Dialogue is indeed part of the conditions set by the Western partners to maintain their financial support.
