A redesign within 48 hours? Macron ready to surprise everyone?

A redesign within 48 hours Macron ready to surprise everyone

Amid rumors, the Journal du Dimanche understands that the French will be informed “before the weekend” of a possible reshuffle.

Since the psychodrama generated by the immigration law before Christmas, rumors concerning a reshuffle have been rife. While some predict an imminent departure of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, others are convinced by the rumor of her continuation which has returned in recent hours. Temporality also questions. Emmanuel Macron has promised “new momentum” for the 2024 school year. But while the future of Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt is suspended by the court’s decision in particular, when can the possible reshuffle take place?

In the columns of Sunday newspaper, we claim this Wednesday evening to have the beginnings of an answer. A “very well informed” source, we are told, confirms with a simple “yes” the imminence of an announcement, specifying that it will take place “before the weekend”. In other words, the executive should, according to JDD, press release on the issue of reshuffle Thursday or Friday. The weekly also points out the fact that on the presidency’s website, nothing has been listed on the agenda since January 2, until the national tribute to Jacques Delors scheduled for Friday morning.

Enough to carry out a proper reshuffle? THE Sunday newspaper does not in any case seem able to specify whether Élisabeth Borne is about to resign or be retained. Both options remain on the table. What about the other ministers? Those “who threatened to resign at the time of the adoption of the immigration law are sure to jump,” a person close to the executive told the newspaper. The restricted circle of Macronie, on the other hand, would judge the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, “untouchable, very loyal, very solid”. As for the Bruno Le Maire option at Matignon, which caused a lot of ink to flow in December, it today seems to have been put aside, just like those concerning Gabriel Attal or even Sébastien Lecornu. The only certainty at this stage is that the suspense is at its height!
