A record rush of players to the Ylen Futistietäjä game | Sport

A record rush of players to the Ylen Futistietaja game

No fewer than 72,000 players competed for the title of Finland’s toughest futsal expert.

15:17•Updated 15:18

European Football Championships on channels 14.6.–14.7. Go to the competition website from this link.

Urheilu’s super popular Futistietäjä game has gathered a record number of participants in the ongoing European football championships.

Futistietäjä predicts the course of the European Championships from the kick-off to the championship celebration. According to him, a record 72,000 users started competing for the title of the toughest football expert. One million page downloads were already exceeded on the fourth day of the European Championship.

– In prestigious competitions, we get to bring different Finns to wonderful common experiences. With the help of futistietäjä, we have managed to offer more excitement to families, groups of friends and work communities. The overwhelming record numbers show that in this era, especially the young audience wants to participate and enjoy the atmosphere of the competition, describes the head of Urheilu Joose Palonen.

Some players may have experienced momentary slowness in the game during the opening weekend of the Games, as the number of users was at a record high, especially immediately after the matches ended.

– The capacity has now been increased during the final games to mediate the slowdown. At the same time, these spikes in visitors are also good places for us to learn for the future, when we develop Futistietäjä even further for future major events, says Urheilu’s digital producer Ossi Saarinen.

In Futistietäjä, you can also play the opening goal guess in every match, where you look for the scorer of the opening goal and the time the goal was scored. At the beginning of the games, an average of 21,000 users per match have participated in the opening goal predictions, which is also a record high average.

You can participate in the opening goal guess in each match separately, so there are still 39 chances to win the competition balls.

– At best, hundreds of correct answers have been received for the opening goal guess in some matches, in which case the winner is drawn among these. In other matches, however, no one has hit, in which case the one who guessed the closest has won. All participants therefore have a great chance to win the competition ball for themselves, says Saarinen.

You can access Futistietäjä and the opening goal prediction from this link.
