A record number of cats infected with Salmonella in Norrland

– There has been an enormous increase in salmonella cases that I have not seen the like of during my 10 years here, says Sofie Svanberg, chief veterinarian at an animal clinic in Piteå.

The four northernmost counties in the country, Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Jämtland and Västernorrland, have all had an unusually high number of cases of cats affected by salmonella according to figures from the State Veterinary Institute, SVA. In the beginning of 2024 alone, more cases have been found than the total number in the same county during the period 2010 up to and including 2023.

– It is unusual that there are this many in Norrland, but not unusual that there is variation in the counties from year to year. It is too early to say that this is a pattern that will persist, but over time we may see it creep up in the country, says Anna Bonnevie, veterinarian at SVA.

Small birds carry the infection

The most common cause of infection is that cats eat small birds that carry the infection. The symptoms are fever, stomach ache and generally low energy and poor appetite. Most cats recover, but veterinary care may be required. Humans can be infected via cats, but this is rare.

That northern Sweden has been affected in a way that has not been seen before is believed to be due to the combination of a long and snowy winter, which has made the small birds weaker and thus easier prey. At the same time that the bird tables were out longer than before.

– This year there are many sisters. It is a bird that often spreads salmonella. The long and cold winter has meant that the birds cannot find food in the forest or the surrounding environment, and therefore for a longer time gathered at the bird tables, says Anna Bonnevie.

– Now that the snow melts away, the bird tables should be put away and it may be appropriate to clean a little if there is a lot of bird poo around the bird table, so that no more cats have to suffer. And don’t forget to be careful about washing your hands afterwards, says Sofie Svanberg.
