A “real hero” is coming to visit the US Congress – is it Zelenskyi?

A real hero is coming to visit the US Congress

If the visit takes place, it will be Zelensky’s first visit abroad since the start of the war of aggression.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi possibly plans to visit the United States in Washington today, according to the US media. It would be Zelensky’s first visit abroad since Russia launched a war of aggression in Ukraine in February.

According to CNN’s sources (you will switch to another service) Zelenskyi would already be on his way, but the visit has not been confirmed due to security concerns. The White House does not comment on the matter.

Zelensky is said to be visiting the White House when the US president Joe Biden is believed to announce a new arms support package for Ukraine, including Patriot anti-aircraft missiles.

If the visit materializes, Zelenskyi may also address Congress. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has asked members of Congress in a letter to be physically present on Wednesday night, but he has not given a reason for his request. The letter says that the evening’s session will have a “special focus on democracy”.

Pelosi did not confirm Zelensky’s visit to reporters on Tuesday, but said a “real hero” is coming to Congress and that a visit from a hero like Zelensky would be an honor for the US Congress. He also said that Ukrainians are fighting for democracy for everyone.

The soldiers sent Biden a signed ticket

During the war of aggression, Zelenskyi has regularly addressed world leaders and appeared remotely at various events, but he has not left Ukraine. The visit to the United States is proof that the country has been a significant supporter of Ukraine. Up until now, the United States has already offered around 20 billion dollars (over 18.8 billion euros) in defense support, as well as financial and humanitarian aid.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin visited Belarus on Monday, raising concerns in Ukraine that Russian forces will launch another offensive from the north.

Zelenskyi, on the other hand, visited Bahmut on Tuesday, which has recently been the focal point of the war. The soldiers gave him a Ukrainian flag with their own signatures and asked the president to deliver it to Biden and the US Congress.

Over the past two months, Russia has been attacking Ukraine’s infrastructure at an accelerating pace. The attacks have repeatedly cut off electricity, water and heating for millions of Ukrainians.

Read also:

Monitoring the war in Ukraine
