a real estate project by Donald Trump’s son-in-law is controversial

a real estate project by Donald Trumps son in law is controversial

Jared Kushner announced it on social networks in March and embarrassed the Serbian government. Donald Trump’s son-in-law will build giant luxury towers in Belgrade, on the ruins of the former headquarters bombed by NATO in 1999.

1 min

With our correspondent in Belgrade, Laurent Rouy

This time it’s confirmed. The government Serbian signed with the son-in-law of Donald Trump Jared Kushner a mega real estate project. It notably includes the construction of hundreds of apartments and a luxury hotel installed in immense glass towers. The latter will be erected on the ruins of the former Yugoslav headquarters, a military installation bombed by NATO during the Kosovo war in 1999.

An opposition leader promises to physically block the construction site

The project, announced by Kushner in March but then denied by the government, caused an outcry within the opposition and a rejection by the population of Belgrade. An opposition leader even promised to physically block the construction site when it begins.

Furthermore, the contract, negotiated out of sight and without a call for tender, is added to a list of opaque real estate projects set up by people close to President Aleksandar Vucic, and whose financial conditions are kept secret, in contradiction with the law. Serbian.
