a real estate agent targeted by the shootings, the authors on the run

a real estate agent targeted by the shootings the authors

Individuals opened fire on a real estate agent in Paris, this Wednesday, May 24, 2023. The victim hit by several bullets was taken care of by the emergency services, but his state of health is very uncertain.

Movement of panic in the heart of Paris. Several shots rang out boulevard Courcelles, in the 8th arrondissement of the capital, around 3 p.m. this Wednesday, May 24. The shots seemed to be aimed at one and the same person according to the first testimonies and information from the Parisian. The target hit by the bullets would have died despite being taken care of by the rescue teams, according to the Ile-de-France newspaper, but other media such as BFM TV evokes a wounded man.

The first elements collected indicate that the person concerned is a real estate agent in his thirties. The latter would have tried to take shelter, in vain, in a shop on the street, at number 67, between Place des Ternes and Parc Monceau. Passers-by on the spot at the time of the shooting also took refuge in the various shops on the street, no one seems to have been injured except the man targeted by the shots according to franceinfo. Very quickly, a large police and rescue team was deployed in the neighborhood, which was cordoned off.

The shots were reportedly fired by several individuals, the exact number of which is not yet known, riding on two wheels, including a blue Yamaha scooter, on Boulevard Courcelles. The shooters would have taken care of the victim and one of them would have gone to the real estate agency where the intended target worked. After firing five times, they would have fled, according to police details collected by the Parisian. The two two-wheeled vehicles were found covered with fire extinguisher powder in the Hauts-de-Seine, in Châtenay-Malabry, not long ago.
