a rally in Brussels against the extradition of Julian Assange

a rally in Brussels against the extradition of Julian Assange

The organizers of the campaign in support of Julian Assange are unfazed by the British court’s decision authorizing his extradition to the United States. They want to increase the mobilization and have chosen this Saturday the center of Brussels where a few hundred demonstrators from neighboring countries have come to listen to concerts and testimonies from human rights defenders.

With our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet

His freedom is our freedom », « War begins with lies “, the slogans are numerous, in front of the theater of the currency in Brussels, for the demonstrators gathered around photos of Julian Assange, gagged with an American flag. Birgit came from Aachen in a coach chartered for the occasion. ” If someone like Julian Assange can be persecuted for publishing information on war crimes, that’s a signal to all states that don’t want their crimes seen. “, Considers the protester.

“He will remain a symbol”

Mathias came from Paris with a sign calling for political asylum in France for Julian Assange. ” Mobilization is growing. More and more people are going to be informed and, out of moral good sense, will react and perhaps Julian Assange will be freed one day. Otherwise, there will remain a symbol and that is already not bad. »

For some, optimism is still possible, this is the case of Annie, who came from Beauvais to support the founder of WikiLeaks. ” If Julian is extradited, if they really go to the end of their filth, that means that we will have more right to information. Julian needs to get out, he’s a hero. »

Read also Julian Assange: a whistleblower who wanted to challenge the powerful
