A probable victory for the National Rally worries the international community

A probable victory for the National Rally worries the international

While the far-right National Rally party came first in the early legislative elections in France on Sunday June 30, the results were scrutinized all over the world. Starting with the European partners, as well as in Ukraine, where a victory for the eurosceptic party known to be close to Moscow raises fears of a change in Paris’ positions.

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  • In Germany, Macron considered the only person responsible for a ” debacle »

On the side of the first French partner and the other half of the couple essential to the European Union, Germany had its eyes fixed on the other side of the Rhine. ” The end of macronism »: for the conservative daily Die Weltit’s a page that is turning in France. The Munich newspaper South German Zeitung speaks of a historical caesura, reports our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibault.

Emmanuel Macron takes it for his rank in the hot comments: “ By its dissolution, it opened the doors of power to the RN “, the magazine believes The Time. The conservative daily Frankfurter Allgemeine he judges the French president alone responsible for this ” debacle » : « A head of state who unnecessarily dissolves and deprives himself of his majority cannot hope for a positive mention in the history books “, the newspaper asserts. It is worried about the international consequences of the French legislative elections: ” France could be absent for years in Europe and within NATO. Only Russia can rejoice in this. »

The political class remained very cautious. Only the former Minister for European Affairs and current Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag, the Social Democrat Michael Roth, reacted, estimating that ” This looks like a new slap in the face for Macron, Europe and Franco-German friendship “The social democrat believes that his country bears some responsibility for the outcome of the French legislative elections: ” We have asked ourselves too little how we can support the pro-European Macron more. We do not take sufficient account of political debates and problems in other countries.. »

  • The EU is worried about a weakening and a cacophony coming from Paris

At the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels, there was no reaction on Sunday evening: officially, the European institutions and authorities are keeping silent and will continue to do so after this first round, reports our correspondent in Brussels, Jean-Jacques Héry.

But Brussels fears the arrival of the anti-European National Rally party at the head of the government of one of the founding members of the EU. Especially since France is also the second largest contributor to the European Union budget and its second most populous country. In addition, power-sharing at the top of the French executive could weaken the position of President Emmanuel Macron, who will continue to sit on the European Council. This is in addition to the risk of having a cacophony between French representatives, leading to a more unclear European policy.

  • Ukraine worried about support from Paris

But among the subjects that worry Brussels, there is the question of support for Ukraine in its war against Russia. This is particularly true in the context where Marine Le Pen’s party has long displayed its proximity to Russiawhether via loans taken out from Russian banks or when the leader of the French far right was received by President Vladimir Putin.

This proximity of the RN to the Kremlin is a great concern for kyiv as well, Paris having been one of the most constant supporters of Ukraine in its war effort.

Although the Kiev media have not yet reacted to the results of the elections in France on Sunday evening, June 30, the French political situation is being followed very closely in Bankova, the seat of the Ukrainian presidency in kyiv, reports our correspondent in kyiv, Stéphane Siohan : this week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wanted to send messages to French public opinion, saying he was convinced ” that the French government resulting from the elections would continue to support Ukraine, whatever the new political situation, both on the battlefield and on the path to membership in the European Union “.

In doing so, Volodymyr Zelensky adopts a cautious attitude. A bit the same as when asked about the prospect of Donald Trump being elected in the United States this year.

The arrival of a new government in Paris will inevitably be closely scrutinized in kyiv, because the stakes are high for Ukraine. President Emmanuel Macron, for several months, has asserted an increasingly strong leadership in Europe in supporting Ukraine, notably with the announcement of sending Mirage 2000 fighter jets to Ukraine and the possibility of deploying military training personnel on Ukrainian territory.

Read alsoWhat response are the French legislative elections having in Russia?

  • Many RN candidates targeted by Ukrainian sanctions after visits to Crimea or Donbass

But the prospect of an RN government in France could totally change the situation, because Jordan Bardella has of course affirmed that there were ” red lines “These red lines include the deployment of French military personnel in Ukraine and also strikes with Western equipment on Russian territory. This is while the Ukrainian president is precisely seeking explicit authorization to strike military installations on Russian territory, such as the airfields from which the planes that bomb Ukraine take off almost every day.

Another question arises: that of the political personnel who could arrive in the French government. About fifteen candidates on the RN lists for the elections are targeted by sanctions from Ukraine. for having visited Crimea, in the Russian Federation or in the Donbass during elections. We are talking in particular about personalities like Thierry Mariani or Pierre Gentillet: if these people were to play a slightly more important role in an RN government, this could pose extremely serious diplomatic problems between Ukraine and France.

Read alsoLegislative: with a victory for the RN, “Moscow will have agents of influence” in power

  • Led by the far right, Italy divided between concern and congratulations

On the side of Rome, this breakthrough of the National Rally is particularly seen. Because Italy had already taken the plunge and placed the extreme right in power with Georgia Meloni as head of government, reports our correspondent in Rome, Anne le Nir.

So the televised debates are bringing out feelings of concern about the possibility of a victory for the National Rally in the second round of the legislative elections. This victory could “ change the destiny of Europe », according to former President of the Council Enrico Letta, guest of the private channel LA7. “ Young people are still open, but if RN wins on July 7, the Meloni government will harden its position against the choices for key positions in the European Union », he continues.

As for the political leaders currently in power, only the leader of the League Matteo Salvini – great historic ally of Marine Le Pen – spoke out. He congratulated the National Rally on its success by tweeting: ” All my compliments to Marine Le Pen. Shame on Macron who is calling for a large rally against the RN and is behaving like Von der Leyen by seeking to oppose change. “.

Read alsoFrance: a far-right government “would be a catastrophe in terms of foreign policy”
