The “A priori” series was scheduled for France 3 from this Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
A priori, this new series looks like a police comedy like any other … France 3 launches this Tuesday, February 4, at 9:05 p.m., its new series entitled precisely A priori. The story of a happy brigade in the south of France in which Iris Villeneuve, 27, arrives, out of the police school. Arriving in this team made up of colorful police officers, she receives a more than mixed welcome. His sharp knowledge in law and his insistence on compliance with the rules do not please everyone, in particular Victor Montagnac, 54, his designated pair, a lonely cop with the methods deemed exceeded.
Despite their age and environment difference, when Iris and Victor are allocated a matter almost classified in advance, combining their talents, they will discover that it is not a simple road accident but of a crime with premeditation. If the success brings the duo closer, Victor will quickly discover that Iris is not the daughter of anyone and that a secret of the past threatens to re -emerge.
A priori Play on a well -known comic recipe
Tour in Montpellier and its surroundings, A priori features Bruno Salomone and Lucia Passaniti, seen in Research section, here it all starts Or Shores More recently, in the two main roles of Victor and Iris. The series takes the bet to seduce in 8 episodes with a worn recipe, but perfect for France 3: playing the regionalism card and in particular on rivalries and clichés between the North and the South. A “welcome to the ch’tis” in the south and in a police station in short …

In his note of intention, Benoît Masocco, creator and producer of the series, believes thatA priori “is a thriller but also a comedy” which goes beyond the duo of classic police officers. The series revolves around a “band of characters in turn rival or accomplices” and above all “plays on received ideas and false semblants”. “At a time when rumors and fake-News spread at the speed of a click, it is important to scratch under the varnish to better play reconciliation,” writes the producer.
The goal of the one who created the youth series Askip A few years ago, “reconcile the North and the South, young and old, countryside and cities, police and citizens …” But playing on the clichés to better fight them can sometimes if Glovering … or conversely sink into the already seen.
What is the a priori series worth? Mixed criticism
For Allociné, the series “adds a subtle dose of comedy and second degree which definitively makes it come out of the lot” and France Inter greets the game of Bruno Salomone who “camps a jubilant character, served by good dialogues which give relief to relief This slightly cushy cop “. But the rest of the criticism is mixed.
A priori has indeed a big defect according to many: its lack of madness and originality. Télérama is confined to a “sympathetic, but that’s all”, when humanity believes that the program comes down to “a small series that does not crowd too much”. According to Télé Loisirs, A priori “In no way revolutionizes the kind of police comedy” and “its narrative structure is as predictable as repetitive”. Which gives, in view of the superb casting together, a “frustrating” result. Because “nothing is dishonorable in A priori. But nothing is remarkable “… we understood.