A possible attack near the Belarusian border worries – “Lukashenko is now Putin’s lap dog”

A possible attack near the Belarusian border worries Lukashenko

Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus’s authoritarian president, is disappointed in the north of Ukraine. Many suspect that with his help, Russia could attack Ukraine.

CHERNIHIV Chernivtsi will be enjoyed on weekends from Kiev to enjoy the peace of the small town and the old churches. They date back to the founding of Imperial Russia.

On the wall of the old fortress, locals Ludmila and Valentina try to enjoy the afternoon sun, but the mind is bitten by uncertainty.

It is only a few tens of kilometers from here to Belarus.

– Of course we’re worried. If Russia attacks here, my son could go to war, he says Valentina Bortnik.

Russia has assembled a large army north of Chernivtsi. An estimated 30,000 troops and equipment from the Army and Air Force. It is significantly more than in any previous military exercises in Belarus.

Satellite images show how pontoon bridges have been built across the Pripyat River near the Ukrainian border and the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Valentina and Ludmila Popovan believes that Belarus has changed. They remember how concerts were held nearby with the Belarusians.

– We were like siblings with Belarus and Russia. There is nothing left of it, Ludmila snorts.

– Now Alexander Lukashenko is Putin’s lap dog. They hug and spend time together like best friends. That was not the case before, Valentina continues.

Demonstrations against Lukashenko changed the game

Huge anti-Lukashenko protests in late summer 2020 changed the situation in Belarus.

The lone President Lukashenko seized power, but largely with Russian support.

Domestic unpopularity and extensive EU sanctions have isolated the autocracy at the mercy of the Kremlin.

In the past, Lukashenko had kept a certain distance from Russia. He sought to preserve the independence of Belarus and did not want permanent Russian bases on its soil.

In 2014, Lukashenko did not fully support Russia when it conquered Crimea and went to war in the Donbass in eastern Ukraine.

Lukashenko saw that a similar fate could await Belarus.

– We no longer want to deal with Lukashenko. Before he said he would come here with tractors, now with tanks. He threatens Ukraine with war just like Putin, Ludmila says.

“I am disappointed with European leaders”

Also Igor and Vera Chaus try their best to enjoy the sun.

– I am sure that Russia will build a permanent base for Belarus, especially for the Air Force. Thus, it can control the border area, believes Igor Chaus.

He said Russia could make a devastating attack on its troops in Belarus.

– I am disappointed with many European leaders, such as Gerhard Schröder (former German Chancellor). Putin has bought them, says Igor.

– Germany and France are very sympathetic to Putin. The Germans are more concerned about gas supplies than we are, Vera continues.

In his twenties Anton is walking with his girlfriend Annan with. They immediately acknowledge that the future is now at stake.

– Of course I’m worried. I have a family here and I am young. If Russia attacks, I will go to the front to defend Ukraine’s independence. I’m not afraid of that, Anton says.

“We believe the war is yet to begin”

In small villages near the Belarusian border, everyday life continues. Russia’s military defiance is still in mind.

In the shop of the village of Dovhik Natalia believes the war is yet to begin.

– Some say not to worry that this is just a Russian game. We don’t think so. We believe the war is still starting and we are really scared.

According to Natalija, no one is still fleeing the border villages.

– We live here as we have always lived, but we are worried.

In the neighboring village of Kuwait, Roman is restoring an old house. He wonders how Belarus and Russia have been able to change so much.

– If they attack, we will defend our children and mothers. I am not particularly prepared. Everyday life continues, work and family, Roman Gonchar notes.
