a platform and a toll-free number to fight corruption

a platform and a toll free number to fight corruption

The fight against corruption has been officially placed as one of the priorities of President Alassane Ouattara’s third term. The government spokesperson announced this week the introduction of a new tool. A computer platform and a toll-free number to denounce any act of corruption in the public administration. However, to date, the data does not show any improvement in citizens’ perception of the level of corruption in the country.

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Francois Hume-Ferkatadji

A platform called Spacia (spacia.gouv.ci) and a toll-free number have been set up for “ collect denunciations, reports or alerts of cases of corruption, and process them “. In the event of concordant facts or a proven infringement, Spacia will be empowered to refer the matter to the competent authorities. The platform is already operational.

Yaya Traore, member of the association “La Côte d’Ivoire sans corruption”, welcomes the approach, but wonders however if the reports will actually be followed by sanctions, and if users will be able to feel free to use this platform, ” Without being afraid he says.

According to the latest reports from Transparency International and the World Bank, corruption causes Côte d’Ivoire to lose 1,000 billion 300 million CFA francs each year. In the latest index of the anti-corruption NGO which covers the year 2021, Côte d’Ivoire is ranked 105th out of 180 countries. She was 104th the previous year.

According to a study by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of Côte d’Ivoire, the sectors most exposed to corruption are health, justice, construction and customs. The consulting firm KPMG was commissioned to carry out a study to assess the integrity systems in these four public administrations.
