a plan to fight illegal emigration after several tragedies at sea

a plan to fight illegal emigration after several tragedies at

Senegal has been particularly bereaved in the past two weeks by shipwrecks off its coast. On board, migrants trying to reach Europe by the migratory route to the Canary Islands. On July 27, the government announced its desire to “ drastically reduce this phenomenon by 2033. Dakar presented a ” control strategy against irregular migration, a first in the country according to the authorities.

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Senegalese Prime Minister Amadou Ba called the clandestine departures ” dramatic phenomenon “. Senegal was bereaved by a new tragedy on Monday July 24: at least 16 passengers in a canoe lost their lives after the shipwreck of it off the capital.

In this context, Dakar displays its new ” control strategy » against illegal emigration, broken down into several levers:

  • upstream first, these departures must be prevented by offering the young people most exposed to this phenomenon a framework of employment and favorable opportunities, explains the government. Objective put forward by the Prime Minister: Dissuade them from risking their lives. »
  • more checks and surveillance on the coast, with material reinforcement from the Defense and Security Forces.

The government also promises repressive measures against conveyors and to attack ” firmly against the exploitation of migrants by criminal networks “. Since the beginning of the year, 530 candidates for illegal emigration have been arrested, and nine canoes have been seized, according to figures from the authorities.
