A piece of wood is enough to transform a umbrella bed into a cozy hut for your child

A piece of wood is enough to transform a umbrella

A mother had an idea of ​​genius when her daughter became too big to use her baby bed.

Most young parents invest in the purchase of an umbrella bed to guarantee peaceful nights for their baby, even on the go. A particularly practical childcare article since it folds in no time and can easily slip into the trunk of the car, in a room at Papi and Granny, including in small apartments. If it takes an average of a hundred euros, some models can reach 200 or even 300 euros. A significant price, especially when one is aware that baby grows at full speed and that he will not need it long. So, once the naps are finished, what to do with the umbrella bed?

Parents are often sorting and many of them will seek to resell it on online sales sites, to other young parents. A way to make your investment make a little profitable to buy a bed of large, or other accessories for their child who has become large. On Tiktok, a mother had another idea that will appeal to many people. That of customizing your umbrella bed to transform it into a magnificent cozy cabin. And no need to be a handyman to make this change! This intelligent recycling, spotted by the @Lhommedemenagement account on the social network is visible in the video at the top of the article.

Indeed, the mother used a few pieces of wood and tape. It begins by placing pieces of scotch in the shape of a cross, and has its wooden baguettes on the sticky side. She closes the scotch pieces on top, even if it means adding to keep the sticks that will serve as a roof in the new bed. Once the baguettes are securely attached and assembled, fix them at the ends of the umbrella bed, creating small holes using a drill. Once the roof is installed, add a nice sheet over it. Last step: all you have to do is cut on one side (lengthwise) which serves as protection in the umbrella bed.

The child will then be able to enter and get out of his cabin bed as he sees fit. Arrange a few covers and small books as well as a small night light to create a real little cocoon. A good way to extend the lifespan of your umbrella bed, to the delight of children!
