A personal tragedy – but not a political disaster

How does the verdict against President Biden’s son affect his prospects in the election?

There is no doubt that it is a personal tragedy for the president, but it is not as certain that it also means a political disaster.

Joe Biden is certainly facing a very tough continued campaign. The verdict gives his Republican opponents ample opportunity for personal attacks against him and his family – which has already happened since the verdict was announced.

But in the end, it’s about how much it affects the voters’ attitude towards casting their vote for Joe Biden. There are slightly divided opinions about what effect it might have. Some point to polls that suggest Hunter Biden’s legal troubles would have little effect on the election results. But just as with the Trump conviction — where some voters have indicated that a conviction could cause them to turn their backs on the ex-president — every vote could matter in what is believed to be such a close election.

Hunter Biden faces jail time, how likely is he to get that sentence?

Few believe Hunter Biden will be locked up for 25 years, the maximum sentence for the crimes he has now been found guilty of.

That assessment has, among other things, to do with the factors the judge has to take into account, such as the fact that it is the first time Hunter Biden has been convicted of a crime. However, several legal experts say that imprisonment is not unlikely, but that it would be a significantly shorter sentence.

Regardless of the penalty, you can count on Republicans to argue that the justice system is letting Hunter Biden off too lightly.

Is it absolutely certain that Biden will not pardon his son?

The president has the ability to pardon anyone convicted of a federal crime, which is not uncommon for presidents to do. But in this case, it would be seen as a huge political risk for Biden to say during the campaign anything other than what he has stated before the announcement from the jury in Delaware.

The White House has previously reiterated that the president will not pardon the son if he is convicted. When ABC News asked the president last week whether he will accept the jury’s decision and whether he has ruled out pardoning his son, he answered “yes” to both questions.

However, some commentators believe that Biden will put his son first if he is sentenced to a substantial prison sentence, since it is well known that he is so close to him. But it would, according to speculation, only happen after the election in November when the political price for Biden would not be as high.
