A person committed suicide in a nursing home

A person committed suicide in a nursing home

A man jumped from his window at a nursing home, and despite the quick efforts of medical personnel who provided cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the man died. In a report to the Inspectorate for Care and Care (IVO), it appears that the care staff knew that the man had thoughts of killing himself.

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The medical staff knew about the man’s suicidal thoughts

The healthcare provider writes the following in his summary to IVO:

“In the days before the suicide, the customer has expressed that he does not want to live any longer to relatives and this has been conveyed to the nurse.”

A nurse had also been told during a medication adjustment that the man had suicidal thoughts, but no assessment had been made of the risk of suicide.

The man sought safety

The deceased man had moved to the nursing home in the hope of feeling greater security and less anxiety knowing that staff are available around the clock.

The man had some physical problems but could largely move freely, which the staff also knew. He had also been given medication for depression, and the same medication is known to cause suicidal thoughts as a side effect.

A lex Maria notification has been completed and the care provider must educate its employees about mental illness.

Nyheter24 has searched for the care provider.

Do you feel you need to seek help for mental illness or suicidal thoughts? The Mind Suicide Line has an open chat and phone 24 hours a day – phone 90101. The National Helpline can also be called every day from 13:00 to 21:00 on phone 020-22 00 60.

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