A passenger boat has run into a quay in central Stockholm

A passenger boat has run into a quay in central

At 18.15 on Thursday evening, an accident occurred at Nybrokajen in central Stockholm. A passenger boat has entered the quay.

It is not yet clear if anyone was injured, but 35 people were said to have been on board when the boat bounced against the quayside.

– We are on site now to find out the circumstances, says the police spokesperson Nadia Norton to The evening paper.

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Police and ambulance on site

Both police and ambulance are on the scene.

A man Aftonbladet spoke to witnessed the accident.

– I saw it from behind. They came at normal speed. Three, four knots, then it looked like they didn’t get the reverse and were able to brake, he adds The evening paper.

The boat must have entered the quay and then bounced to the side, according to the witness.

– You heard a loud bang and a second later a police car appeared.


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SL: “A so-called dock bouncer”

According to SL, it should be a “quay bounce” that was harder than normal.

– I can confirm a so-called quay bounce, which means that the impact with the quay was harder than it should normally be, says Helene Jakobsson, press spokesperson SL.

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